About me
As a lawyer, I have been advising companies and professionals on labor law and German immigration law for many years. After working for a major international law firm in Hamburg for nine years, I founded my own law firm in 2020. In parallel, I have been working as an in-house lawyer for a leading real estate bank in Hamburg since April 2020.
April 2020: Opening of my law firm for labor law and business & employment based immigration law
Since April 2020: Inhouse-lawyer for labor law at DZ HYP AG in Hamburg
July 2011 to March 2020: Lawyer in a leading international commercial law firm in the field of labor law and immigration law, since 2016 as salary partner (Taylor Wessing, Hamburg office)
Since May 2015: Specialist lawyer for employment law
September 2013: Awarded a doctorate (magna cum laude) by the law faculty of the Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel
January 2008 to June 2011: Legal advisor for labor law at the University of Hamburg
July 2007: Second legal state examination with distinction, Hamburg
May 2003 to May 2005: Research Associate, Faculty of Law at Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel
September 2002: First legal state examination with distinction, Schleswig
Author, Spielräume für die Vertrauensarbeitszeit de lege lata und de lege ferenda, NZA 2023, 1360.
Author of several chapters, Timmermann/Uznanski/Mävers/Klaus, Beschäftigung ausländischer Mitarbeiter - Arbeitsmigrationsrecht in der Praxis, 1st edition 2021, Nomos Verlag.
Author of several chapters, Posting of Chinese employees to Germany, 2021, GTAI, see: https://wwww.gtai.de/resource/blob/667748/f2316093a065f534ab684ef76159b0f8/Posting_Of_Chinese_Employees_To_Germany_GTAI_210624.pdf
Author of Chapter XXIV Remuneration regulations, in: Grieser/Heemann, European Banking Regulatory Law, pp. 883 - 912, 2nd edition 2020, Frankfurt School Verlag.
Author, Electronic employee survey and co-determination of the works council: The current decision of the BAG, online forum EFAR - expert forum labor law, April 11, 2019, see https://efarbeitsrecht.net/elektronische-arbeiterbefragung/ (in German)
Author, The works council has no right of co-determination in employee surveysg in paper form – and digitally?, online forum EFAR - expert forum labor law, March 21, 2018, see https://efarbeitsrecht.net/arbeiterbefragung-und-betriebsrat/ (in German)
Author, Legal Framework for the Employment of Refugees, DEKRA Temporary Employment Report 2016, p. 14.
Author, Diebstahl und Betrug im Selbstbedienungsladen, 2014, Duncker & Humblot.